Video: from horizontal to vertical, with object tracking
Target: cropping a horizontal video into a vertical one, following an object that moves.
To follow the object we will use a tracker, and we will keep it in the middle of the frame.
To do that we used python, OpenCV2, and ffmpeg.
Download and prepare a video (optional)
To start let’s say we want to take this video from YouTube:
And in particular, we want to use the first 15 seconds
To download we can use yt-dlp
$ yt-dlp -f "bestvideo/best" --merge-output-format webm -o "XPQlMmMDm-A.webm"
We are downloading the video in the best quality available and in the webm format (which is in fact a wrapper of vp9).
We are not downloading the audio, as is not relevant for this tutorial.
Cutting the video
We want to use the first 15 seconds. We can use ffmpeg to cut the video.
$ ffmpeg -i "XPQlMmMDm-A.webm" -ss 00:00:00 -to 00:00:15 "XPQlMmMDm-A-cut.mp4"
Here we are not just cutting the video, we are also converting in the same codec (vp9).
If you want to avoid this first encoding (which is not a big deal, as it’s basically lossless, just time-consuming), you can use this command
$ ffmpeg -i "XPQlMmMDm-A.webm" -ss 00:00:00 -to 00:00:15 -avoid_negative_ts 1 -c copy "XPQlMmMDm-A-cut.mp4"
This will cut the video without re-encoding it (-c copy
), but it will cut the video using the key frames that are
closer to the
desired time (-avoid_negative_ts 1
). It’s faster but less precise.
And this is the extracted video:
Coding the object tracker
We will use python, and OpenCV2 to track the object. I’m not an expert of trackers, and I’ve found them less smart than I thought. But they are still useful.
Choosing the tracker
OpenCV2 offers a variety of trackers, In this article you can find a comparison
I’ve chosen the TrackerCSRT
because it’s the most accurate, especially if you know that the object is always in the
Let’s start with the code
This is not the full code, to see the full code you can check the GitHub repository.
def main():
arguments = ProgramArguments() # read terminal arguments
vs = cv2.VideoCapture(arguments.file) # read video file
frame_0 =[1] # read first frame
total_frames = int(vs.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) # get total frames
rectangles: {int: Rectangle} = {} # we initialize a dictionary to store the rectangles
frame_height, frame_width = frame_0.shape[:2] # this is the size of the original video
final_width = int(frame_height / 16 * 9) # this is the width of the final video
final_height = frame_height # We will keep the height of the final video the same as the original
tracker = cv2.TrackerCSRT.create() # initialize the tracker
roi_found = False # we will use this variable to check if the roi (region of interest) is found
cur_frame_number = 0
vs.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, cur_frame_number) # We reset the video to the first frame
Reading the frame and some embellishments
We resize the frame to make it faster to process, and we convert it to gray if needed. Also, we display the previous rectangle and the final crop so that we can better understand what the tracker is doing.
while cur_frame_number < total_frames: # until we reach the end of the video
frame =[1] # read the frame
if frame is None: # sometimes the frame is None before the end
# we reduce the size of the frame to make it faster to process
resized_frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=int(frame_width / arguments.ratio))
# sometimes it's better to work with gray images
if arguments.gray:
resized_frame = cv2.cvtColor(resized_frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
if cur_frame_number - 1 > 0 and rectangles.get(cur_frame_number - 1, None) is not None:
# to better understand the tracker we display the tracked rectangle of the previous frame
rectangle = rectangles[cur_frame_number - 1]
resized_rectangle = rectangle.scale(1 / arguments.ratio)
final_rectangle = resized_rectangle.to_final_frame_cut(final_width, final_height)
# this is the previous roi
cv2.rectangle(resized_frame, resized_rectangle.point1(), rectangle.point2(), prev_frame_color, 2)
# this is the final frame crop
cv2.rectangle(resized_frame, final_rectangle.point1(), final_rectangle.point2(), final_crop_color, 10)
Selecting the ROI
The ROI (Region of Interest) is the rectangle that we want to track. We are selecting it manually (it could be automated, but normally only you know what you want to track).
# ... in the same loop
if not roi_found: # the tracker has lost the roi, or it's the first frame
roi = cv2.selectROI(arguments.file, resized_frame, fromCenter=False, ) # we select the roi
rectangles[cur_frame_number] = Rectangle.from_roi(roi, cur_frame_number) # we store the roi
tracker.init(resized_frame, roi) # we initialize the tracker
roi_found = True
(roi_found, box) = tracker.update(resized_frame) # we update the tracker
if roi_found: # if the tracker has found the roi
(x, y, w, h) = [int(v) for v in box]
cv2.rectangle(resized_frame, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 2)
rectangles[cur_frame_number] = Rectangle(x, x + w, y, y + h, cur_frame_number)
Displaying the frame
Each frame we display it, and we save the rectangle in the dictionary.
# ... in the same loop
cv2.putText(resized_frame, "Frame: {}".format(cur_frame_number), (10, 20),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, (0, 255, 0), 2) # we add some text to debug
cv2.imshow(arguments.file, resized_frame) # we display the frame
cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF # this is just to make the display work
cur_frame_number += 1
Result up to now
We can now test the code. We will see a window where we can select the ROI, and then we will see the tracker in action.
$ python3 -f XPQlMmMDm-A-cut.mp4

The green is the object found, the red represents the final output. At this stage we are not cropping the video, we are just tracking the object. The result is not perfect, but let’s proceed with the actual cropping.
Cropping the video
To crop with ffmpeg we will create a script that will swap the rectangle that we want to keep with the left part of the video, for each frame. The template of that script is the following:
Things get a bit tricky because the swap doesn’t work if there is an overlapping of the rectangles. So we need to split the rectangles in smaller parts, such that they don’t overlap.
and this is the code that produce the right line for each center of the rectangle
def output(center_x, center_y, start, end, frame_width, frame_height, width, height):
x2 = int(center_x - width / 2) # the top left corner of the rectangle
y2 = int(center_y - height / 2)
if y2 < 0: # we don't want to go out of the frame
y2 = 0
if y2 + height > frame_height: # we don't want to go out of the frame
y2 = frame_height - height
if x2 <= 0:
x2 = int(width / 2) # if the x is out of the frame is tricky because we can't swaprect with negative values
if x2 < width: # if the x is less than the width we need to split the rectangles to avoid overlappings`
output = ""
i = 0
last = 0
while (i + 1) * x2 <= width + x2: # just trust me on this, ok?
output += "swaprect=%s:%s:%s:0:%s:%s:enable='between(n,%s,%s)',\n" % (
x2, height, i * x2, (i + 1) * x2, y2, start, end)
last = i * x2
i += 1
rest = width - last
output += "swaprect=%s:%s:%s:0:%s:%s:enable='between(n,%s,%s)',\n" % (
rest, height, i * x2, i * x2 + rest, y2, start, end)
return output
elif x2 + width > frame_width:
x2 = frame_width - width
return "swaprect=%s:%s:0:0:%s:%s:enable='between(n,%s,%s)',\n" % (width, height, x2, y2, start, end)
Smoothing the motion
The tracker is moving every frame, especially short movements. We will smooth the motion using a gaussian filter.
def smooth_centers(centers):
# apply a gaussian filter to the centers
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter1d
xs = np.array(list(map(lambda x: x[0], centers))) # we don't care about y
new_centers = gaussian_filter1d(xs, sigma=5)
result = []
for i in range(len(new_centers)):
result.append((new_centers[i], centers[i][1], centers[i][2]))
return result
Generating the script
Now that we have all the pieces we can generate the script that will crop the video.
def output(center_x, center_y, start, end, frame_width, frame_height, width, height):
center_x = int(center_x)
center_y = int(center_y)
frame_width = int(frame_width)
frame_height = int(frame_height)
x2 = int(center_x - width / 2)
y2 = int(center_y - height / 2)
if y2 < 0:
y2 = 0
if y2 + height > frame_height:
y2 = frame_height - height
if x2 <= 0:
x2 = int(width / 2)
if x2 < width:
output = ""
i = 0
last = 0
while (i + 1) * x2 <= width + x2:
output += "swaprect=%s:%s:%s:0:%s:%s:enable='between(n,%s,%s)',\n" % (
x2, height, i * x2, (i + 1) * x2, y2, start, end)
last = i * x2
i += 1
rest = width - last
output += "swaprect=%s:%s:%s:0:%s:%s:enable='between(n,%s,%s)',\n" % (
rest, height, i * x2, i * x2 + rest, y2, start, end)
return output
elif x2 + width > frame_width:
x2 = frame_width - width
return "swaprect=%s:%s:0:0:%s:%s:enable='between(n,%s,%s)',\n" % (width, height, x2, y2, start, end)
def write_to_file(centers, frame_width, frame_height, args: ProgramArguments):
with open(args.output, "w") as file:
total = len(centers)
i = 0
prev_i = 0
height = frame_height
width = int(height * 9 / 16) + 1
while i < total:
if centers[i] is None:
i += 1
center_x, center_y, frame_i = centers[i]
prev_center_x, prev_center_y, prev_frame_i = centers[prev_i]
prev_i = i
prev_center_x, prev_center_y, prev_frame_i = centers[i]
changed = abs(center_x - prev_center_x) > or abs(center_y - prev_center_y) >
if changed:
delta_frames = frame_i - prev_i
center_step_x = (center_x - prev_center_x) / delta_frames
center_step_y = (center_y - prev_center_y) / delta_frames
for j in range(prev_i, frame_i + 1):
prev_center_x += center_step_x
prev_center_y += center_step_y
file.write(output(prev_center_x, 0, j, j, frame_width, frame_height, width, height))
prev_i = frame_i + 1
i = i + 1
file.write(output(center_x, center_y, prev_i, total * 2, frame_width, frame_height, width, height))
file.write("crop=%s:%s:0:0,\n" % (width, height))
The Result
We can now run the script to crop the video
$ python3 -f XPQlMmMDm-A-cut.mp4 -o
$ ffmpeg -nostats -hide_banner -loglevel error -y -ss "00:00:00" -i XPQlMmMDm-A-cut.mp4 -an -filter_script:v:0 result.mp4
The Powershell Script
To make it easier to run the script we can create a powershell script that will do everything for us.
# Parse argumentsS
param (
# Check for unknown options
$args | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -notmatch '^-[a-z]=')
Write-Error "Unknown option $_"
exit 1
# Compute derived variables
$FileName = "$Title"
$FileNameSafe = $FileName -replace ' ', '_'
$Ext = "webm"
$FilenameFromLink = $YouTubeLink.Split('=')[-1]
$InputPath = "verticals\$FilenameFromLink\raw.$Ext"
$CutVideo = "verticals\$FilenameFromLink\${FileNameSafe}_cut.mp4"
$CutLabeled = "verticals\$FilenameFromLink\${FileNameSafe}_cut_labeld.mp4"
$CutLabeledInput = "verticals\$FilenameFromLink\${FileNameSafe}_cut_labeled.txt"
$CroppedVideo = "verticals\$FilenameFromLink\${FileNameSafe}_cropped_labeled.mp4"
$CroppedVideoInput = "verticals\$FilenameFromLink\${FileNameSafe}_cropped.txt"
# Download video if it doesn't exist
if (-Not (Test-Path -Path $InputPath))
Write-Output "Downloading video"
& yt-dlp.exe --quiet --progress $YouTubeLink -f "bestvideo/best" -o $InputPath --merge-output-format webm
Write-Output "Video already downloaded"
# Cut the video if it doesn't exist
if (-Not (Test-Path -Path $CutVideo))
Write-Output "Cutting video"
& ffmpeg -hwaccel cuda -nostats -hide_banner -loglevel error -y -i $InputPath -ss $Start -t $Stop $CutVideo
Write-Output "Video already cut"
# Create label if it doesn't exist
if (-Not (Test-Path -Path $CutLabeledInput))
Write-Output "Creating label"
& .venv/Scripts/python.exe --dry-run --file $CutVideo -y "$YouTubeLink" -o "$CutLabeledInput"
Write-Output "Label already created"
# Create labeled video if it doesn't exist
if (-Not (Test-Path -Path $CutLabeled))
Write-Output "Creating labeled video"
Start-Process ffmpeg -ArgumentList "-hwaccel","cuda", "-nostats", "-hide_banner", "-loglevel", "error", "-y", "-ss", "00:00:00", "-i", "$CutVideo", "-an", "-filter_script:v:0", "$CutLabeledInput", "$CutLabeled" -NoNewWindow -Wait
Write-Output "Labeled video already created"
# Create tracking if it doesn't exist
if (-Not (Test-Path -Path $CroppedVideoInput))
Write-Output "Creating tracking"
& .venv/Scripts/python.exe -d 10 --file $CutVideo -y $YouTubeLink -o $CroppedVideoInput
Write-Output "Tracking already created"
# Create cropped video if it doesn't exist
if (-Not (Test-Path -Path $CroppedVideo))
Write-Output "Creating cropped video"
& ffmpeg -hwaccel cuda -nostats -hide_banner -loglevel error -y -ss "00:00:00" -i $CutVideo -an -filter_script:v:0 $CroppedVideoInput $CroppedVideo
Write-Output "Cropped video already created"
We have seen how to crop a video from horizontal to vertical, following an object that moves. This is the final result:
.\maker.ps1 -YouTubeLink "" -Start "00:00:00" -Stop "00:00:15" -Title "Singer Parrot"
The final code is available on GitHub.